Graphic Novel Adaptation ‘Yakuza Princess’ Gets a New Trailer From Signature Entertainment.

Martial arts action flick Yakuza Princess gets a new trailer.

A crime boss is murdered in cold blood and his only heir is sent abroad as an infant. 20 years pass and now, rival gangs are out to kill as this young woman discovers her birth right at the head of a crime syndicate. Fighting for her life she teams up with an American man trying to discover his own past – one epic fight at a time.

Directed by Vicente Amorim (The Division), and adapted from the graphic novel Samurai Shiro by Danilo Beyruth, the film stars Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Vikings), Masumi, Tsuyoshi Ihara (Letters from Iwo Jima) and Kenny Leu (Midway).

Signature Entertainment presents Yakuza Princess on Digital Platforms from 13th September, 2021.

Catch the new trailer above and tell us your thoughts below.